Wagner 0529031 MotoCoat Corded Electric Stationary HVLP Paint Sprayer


  • Wagner 0529031 MotoCoat Corded Electric Stationary HVLP Paint Sprayer
  • Spray protective and decorative coatings on automotive vehicles; the sprayer can be used to apply a smooth finish on your car exterior, truck bed, recreational vehicle, trailer and more
  • Applies everything from heavy truck bed coatings and undercoatings to light materials such as rubberized peelable coatings and auto finishing paints
  • Detail Finish Nozzle applies a smooth, even coat on your automobile surface while the iSpray Nozzle can be used for a thicker, textured coat on truck beds and
  • Free shipping
  • Estimated Delivery: 5-7 business days
  • Return Policy: 30 days from the date of receipt